Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just an Idea

I've been toying around with an idea to put up pages so as to sort of file my different musings n doings. The trouble being that I'm of the thick ilk and more than a little clueless when trying to set up things like this (computer illiterate a think is the phrase!). But by good fortune I happen to know of an excellent helper and all round good egg in the form of Kari over at 'I don't wear pink camo to the woods'. Well after a quick, pleading e-mail she has kindly replied and put me on the straight and narrow and I'm now in construction of my first page for an idea I had whilst walking the smelly one around town. Basically it comes down to the fact that until I improve my passing undetected out in the wilds I'm seeing and getting closer to more wildlife around sunny Buckley. This is probably due to the wildlife becoming less sensitive and cautious to human presence. So I'm hoping to put up some photos and words on 'suburbia wildlife' about what wildlife I can find within a two mile radius of my home, hopefully there may be some surprises, so fingers crossed and once again many thanks to Kari for taking the time out to help this here imbecile.


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good over here John and you are most welcome. I'm just glad my instructions worked for ya.

Must also add that I am defiantly lookin' forward to seein' some more wildlife shots. Love that mouse!

murphyfish said...

Hi Kari,
I'm in you debt me dear, hopefully there'll be more 'shots' to follow.