I’ve just climbed out of the pit after another mind numbing night shift and started to play catch up on blogs that I follow. The first posting that I open up is from Doug over at his excellent Harris’ Hawk blog. Normal I don’t like to get up upon my soap box and I try to keep my comments light and friendly but Doug’s post has stirred me up a little. I was going to leave a comment, but it became a tad long winded so I’ve put my thoughts into this posting instead. Read Doug’s piece here first and then my somewhat disjointed mutterings may make some sense (or not as is usually the case).
As most people who put up with my somewhat chaotic ramblings know my closest outdoor companion is a cross breed, or mongrel if you wish, dog who goes by the name of Lucy (or several expletives depending upon what mess she’s found herself in!). Although I’ve lived with or around dogs, working and pets, all my life I certainly do not profess to be an expert in any shape or form. What I can say is that Lucy is perhaps the most loyal, intelligent, gentle dog that I’ve ever had the pleasure to encounter. And her lineage? Well her sire was a roguish Labrador and her dam an escape artist of a Boxer. Funny that really, if you care to glance at old English bear or bull baiting prints the dogs used bears an uncanny resemblance to the Boxer and not to the Bulldogs of today. There is no way on God’s earth that she could be classed as a dangerous dog but her posture and set sometimes cause’s hesitation on the trails by some people who have not met her before.
For Flemming Moller, from the governing Danish Liberal Party, to call for the widespread cull of all mongrels is something that I would never thought I’d hear from a supposedly educated and intelligent human being. Does this person (I’m really watching my language at this point!) have any conception of what it is he is campaigning for? Does he not realise that without cross breeding none, and I mean none, of today’s ‘true blood’ breeds would exist and that we’d be taking our pet wolf or dingo out for a stroll to the park? What on earth does he think that lurchers are? For Christ’s sake it not until recently that the labradoodle was recognized as a breed and it was only last centaury when the Jack Russell terrier (or should that be terror?) became known as a recognized breed. And for the Danish PM, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, to say that he was not prepared to live in a country where "you cannot go walking with your child or your poodle without risking an attack", shows, in my opinion, his lack of understanding. The Poodle was originally bred as a hunting dog and as such should this now be classed as a dangerous breed? I’m sure that the PM had the small, ribbon clad ‘parlor’ poodle, in mind when making his comments although I’ve found that these, as with some other smaller breeds, may be a little snappy at times, another one for the dangerous breed list?
I cannot deny that there tragic cases when dogs attack humans but to tar all mongrels with this brush is uneducated and narrow minded in the extreme. The fear of ‘muscle dogs’ is seemingly enflamed by media based sensationalized stories and not on common sense. If every pure breed dog that had bit a person was too classed as a dangerous breed then there would not be any other list required, all dogs can bite! To be honest I think that all dogs have the potential to bite, tear or rend flesh even Lucy; they are all after all just different sizes of Wolves.
It is not dogs that are the problem but humans, there are so many sad and disturbed individuals out there that consider ‘muscle’ dogs as a badge, status symbol, something that shows how ‘hard I am’. This is where, in my own opinion that the problem lies; with some humans that have not the understanding, wit or mental make up to own a dog. It’s just a thought but perhaps they’re looking at culling the wrong thing maybe they should be looking at culling people who see dogs as a weapon or social status (‘just look at the fangs on my dog Tyson, he’s gonna tear you up’) and politicians (‘just look at how greedy I am), well perhaps ban them from owning dogs and from speaking!
These words are of course only my opinion and I’m sure that everyone has their own thoughts on the subject. Excuse me if my rambling today is slightly off on a tangent, normal service shall be resumed henceforth. Oh and a big thank you to Doug and his excellent blog for bringing this to my attention.
Your friend,